domingo, 29 de dezembro de 2013


I had never paid attention for the previous Samuel Arkan projects, but this one, at the first listening I really love it. He managed to gather many great names of prog power metal scene: Tom Englund (Evergrey), Mike Lepond (Symphony X). Leo Margarit (Pain of Salvation), Simone Mularoni (DGM), Ida Haukland (Triosphere), Mathi Marinelli, Tezzi Persson, and They created an epic album, fucking great!

Epysod3 - Fantasmagori

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01. File - 4180-2 
02. The Arch 
03. Morning Rose 
04. Venom 
05. The Black Parade 
06. T.H.O.R.N.S. 
07. Garden Of Exile 
08. Raven’s Curse 
09. Living Fortress 
10. Fantasmagoria 
11. The Inheritance 
12. Now And Forever 
13. Forgotten Symphony 
14. Unreal 

Buy It!

Samuel Arkan statement

The quite unusual thing is that all these guests came to the Noise Factory studio (Belgium) to track down their parts. Nobody recorded his/her parts at home, like with some many other projects.
“I wanted the whole thing to get a real “band” feeling”, Arkan says. “Therefore having all vocalists and musicians here was very important to me. We got to know each other better and better while spending time together. The new material sounds very fresh, dark, heavy, modern and "true" with "straight in the face" guitar riffs, intense voices and melodies, massive work on progressive atmospheres and orchestral parts. All the artists who participated in this album gave their soul to it, gave their best, they travelled deeper into sensitivity and sincerity. That's probably the best words which define this next album... sincerity & spontaneity! This album comes from the heart of each musician and vocalist who worked on it, and you can feel it when you listen to this new EPYSODE album.”

sábado, 21 de dezembro de 2013

Best of 2013

Here I stand at the end of the year again...

Behold the best of the year in the view of this impermanent being...

Dream Theater -  Dream Theater: I think I don't need to state too much about DT, mainly because the new album speaks for itself. They are back! although for many they had never been absent..

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TesseracT - Altered State: here is an album that is clearly what music was supposed to be, with great Djent work, moving songs, vocals. It's not only about music but it's also to take u to another state of mind, to evolve as human being.
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Mandroid Echostar - CITADELS: this band really surprise me this year, since of their EP to their Citadels, it's also the way that music should be made. Hell Yeah!

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Subsignal - Paraíso: The new Subsignal album is really a great progressive work, with great lyrics, vibe, without songs that are too long, but it really works.

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Masterplan: I think as the album title says, it's really a new beginning for these guys, probably the best prog power album of the year.

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DGM: Their new album is really awesome and "Reason" influenced me a lot this year.

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The Flower Kings -  Desolation Rose: One more year and.. They are really kicking asses again. The new album, in my opinion, is  really one of the best of their career. I think they are more inspired than ever.

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Big Big Train - Suite, English Electric Part I, Part II, Make Some Noise: it's not at random They win Progressive Music Awards 2013, They are great!

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Spock's Beard - Brief Nocturnes and Dreamless Sleep: and when everyone (me) thought it wouldn't work, They made it. I cannot say I don't miss Nick, but They are really sounding like SB. They really pulled an elephant out of the hat, great work guys!

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I'd like to thank God for being the windmaker, also to thank my friends for all advices and support, everyone who stopped by, my subscribers, everyone who belongs to this circle of hope, boldness and progness, thanks! 

Meaningful phrases of 2013:

When the ship starts to sink, don't pray. Jump!

Beware the 3 obstacles to jumping ship: 

* fear of regret ( that the loser will turn out to be a winner when you've bailed-out ) 
* Unwillingness to abandon part of an investment ( become willing to abandon ) 
* Difficulty of admitting you made a mistake.

"We are what we do, but we are mostly what we do to change what we are ..."

"The answers always clear
 the spaces in between
 we're choosing now to change
 we see the need to leave
 And we openly know where we belong
 Justice will prevail as the regimes fall " 

"Take this doubt and fear to your grave

   This life of stone
    The hand of god I'm too tempted to bribe
        I'm getting old and growing paralyzed
        We're all alone
   Until we let our minds take to the skies
 Our blood runs cold yet we remain alive "

segunda-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2013

Fantastic 4

I was shaking when I got this news, that's quite unbelievable, but that's truth, Transatlantic is Coming to South America!!! (Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Santiago) OMG.. thanks God! After so many successful tours around world some son of bitch have balls to bring them here. 

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They just released the video "Shine" in support for their upcoming album "Kaleidoscope".

Tuesday you're okay
Can't you feel there's something there
waiting like silent prayer
cause this all fading away
and there's nothing we can do
little we can hold onto
but just let our lonely light come thru

and so we shine while this moment slips away from us
shine while skies are turning grey
and so we shine like there's nothing they can take from us
we want no one left behind when we shine shine shine

spotlights on you
can't you feel there's something more
breaking just beyond the door
if the light of the world lives in you
then no matter where you go
you can let the darkness know
there's a little light left in your soul

sábado, 30 de novembro de 2013

Self Portrait

I did know the work of these guys, but I was not into it very much, but after I heard Self Portrait of their new EP on Bandcamp , I really get psyched. It's an amazing work that mixes some atmospheric progressive tunes with some hammering heavy melodies, amazing work!

Aeon Zen - Sef Portrait

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1. Psych!
2. Portrait
3. Rain
4. Demise

name the price!


waste away

washed out
world so bright
burning in your hands tonight

Piece by Piece
Fight to Cease
shining brigthly through the haze

sofltly tread
through your head

all the things your mind portrays

when time came
to wash all away

Who tried ?
All our lives
have fought this fight
to survive...


quinta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2013


I have to say that my impressions when I heard the first single from the new Mandroid Echostar album were: Oh yes.. that's okay, it's good but not so impressive, but it's really as you start reading a book from the twenty-second page and You say...Oh yes, I did not understand anything, but When we start at (Page 1) A Death Marked Dream to (Page 7) Citadels, it's really impressive, fucking great album!!

Mandroid Echostar - CITADELS

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1. A Death Marked Dream
2. Ancient Arrows
3. Haunted Vows
4. To the Wolves
5. The Sleeper
6. Ethereal Dawn
7. Citadels

quinta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2013

No more hell to Pay

I think as their previous album, They are really sounding greater than before, heavier, and with great riffs, that's the powerful Stryper's combination. They leave no loose ends when the subject is being heavy, as I said before, for who likes an old school heavy metal, that's worth it!!

Stryper - No More Hell to Pay

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1. Revelation
2. No More Hell To Pay
3. Saved By Love
4. Jesus Is Just Alright
5. The One
6. Legacy
7. Marching Into Battle
8. Te Amo
9. Sticks & Stones
10. Water Into Wine
11. Sympathy
12. Renewed

Buy it! 

domingo, 27 de outubro de 2013

Desolation Rose

I didn't expect this album would be so great as it is. They really got every needed piece to make a remarkable album, it's like They are renewing themselves, becoming better, that's even better than Banks of Eden that I found it awesome, but in Desolation Rose you find a lot of moving songs, great lyrics, voices and the band seem to be more connected, a must buy for sure!

The Flower Kings -  Desolation Rose

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01. Tower One
02. Sleeping Bones
03. Desolation Road
04. White Tuxedos
05. The Resurrected Judas
06. The Silent Masses
07. Last Carnivore
08. Dark Fascist Skies
09. Blood of Eden
10. Silent Graveyards

Buy It!!

in silent graveyards
they look for saviors
a promise land
beyond those prayers
a land where all the suffering is gone

and no one will bring you down

while the road to desolation
lingers on...

quarta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2013

Vengeance Falls

I started to like Trivium when They released Shattering the Skies Above, which came along with God of War 3 Special Edition, since that They are really growing softly on me, despite I'm new in Trivium World, I can't deny How great Vengeance Falls is. 
I think that in a few songs Matt could sound like David Dramian (Disturbed), but even so this album is really tight. They are really sounding more mature than their previous albums, catchy. I don't think VF is superior or inferior than their previous, but it's really another breakthrough in their career, fucking great album!

Trivium - Vengeance Falls

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01. Brave This Storm 
02. Vengeance Falls 
03. Strife 
04. No Way To Heal 
05. To Believe 
06. At The End Of This War 
07. Through Blood And Dirt And Bone 
08. Villainy Thrives 
09. Incineration: The Broken World 
10. Wake (The End Is Nigh)

Buy It!! 

it has to be noted that WMG, at last!, figure out that to put the entire album on YT is a good way to draw more fans. This is something that Sumerian Records have done since a long time ago.

quarta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2013


After Sieges Even broke up, I found out these guys. Subsignal that have in their line up Arno Menses and Markus Steffen who were members of Sieges Even, and They are really keeping the flame burning. Paraíso is not different of their previous works, with some great vibe, and great soundscapes. I would say like father like son, great!

Subsignal - Paraíso

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01. Time and Again
02. Paraíso
03. A New Reliance
04. A Heartbeat Away
05. A Long Way Since The Earth Crashed
06. A Giant Leap Of Faith
07. The Stillness Beneath the Snow
08. The Blueprint of a Winter
09. The Colossus that Bestrode the World
10. Swimming Home

Buy It!!

"I'm the world in which I walk
   I am the compass to my own Paraíso
    weight of mountains on my back
      but nothing stops me, an impulse to rely on

     the wind is old, so is my heart
    so young the dreams that stir my faint bravado
  somewhere, sometime, someplace else
a distant promise lights my lost Paraíso"

segunda-feira, 23 de setembro de 2013

Make some Noise

They just released their new EP and as in their previous releases, this one is not different. We can hear and see the synergy in their first single (Make Some Noise) which one is really a remarkable hit, this album includes four new songs and some great soundscapes of them, Great!

Big Big Train - Make Some Noise

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01 Make Some Noise
02 Uncle Jack
03 Keeper of Abbeys
04 Leopards
05 Swan Hunter
06 Seen Better Days
07 Edgelands
08 The Lovers
09 Curator of Butterflies

I think everyone should follow their steps, mainly for They put their entire album, and whole booklet to be downloaded for a great price, it's really the way you have the album on your hand without buying the physical album.

segunda-feira, 16 de setembro de 2013

Dream Theater Stream

I started to like DT because TOT, SFAM, SDOIT and regardless of what most of people say and most of time They say some bullshits just out of spite, but They can't really see the big picture. This new album is stronger than ADTOE, indeed it's really stronger, heavier, it's tight, there is no doubt this is a must buy for sure, but even so I don't think this album is better than those names that I quoted, and it's not being stuck with the past, but We only can move forward if we are capable to look back and recognizing where we come from...

Dream Theater - Dream Theater

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shed your light on me
be my eyes when I can't see
shed your light on me
be my guide so i can see
the bigger picture 

01. False Awakening Suite
02. The Enemy Inside
03. The Looking Glass
04. Enigma Machine
05. The Bigger Picture
06. Behind The Veil
07. Surrender To Reason
08. Along For The Ride
09. Illumination Theory

Stream - Buy It! 

despite my small talk, this album is great anyway!! 

segunda-feira, 2 de setembro de 2013

Second Coming

For those who like a great old school heavy metal with too much power, besides Stryper live are something that you must see when you get this opportunity...

Stryper - Second Coming 

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01. Loud N’ Clear
02. Loving You
03. Soldiers Under Command
04. Makes Me Wanna Sing
05. First Love
06. The Rock That Makes Me Roll
07. Reach Out
08. Surrender
09. To Hell With The Devil
10. Calling On You
11. Free
12. The Way
13. Sing Along Song
14. More Than A Man
15. Bleeding From Inside Out
16. Blackened

Buy it!

thanks God, I had this opportunity on February and I say these guys are really great live, whole band is flawless, but Michael Sweet, even on his fifties, is powerfull in his vocal work.

segunda-feira, 5 de agosto de 2013

The Enemy Inside

wow... it's been awhile since the last DT post, but We can't forget those who are important. Dream Theater is about to release their new album, their first self-titled, it's coming out on September 24. They just released their new single "The Enemy Inside" that's quite different if compared to a few songs from ADTOA, this new song is heavier, it got a great riff, besides James' voice is more agressive if also compared to ADTOA, I can say this one got all ingredients that I really love! Hell Yeah DT!

Dream Theater - The Enemy Inside

"I'm running from the enemy inside 
looking for the life I left behind 
these suffocating memories 
are etched upon my mind 
I can't escape from the enemy inside"

sexta-feira, 19 de julho de 2013

Altered State

this album is something that goes deeper and further.. I think it's been awhile since the last time that some album leads me to a trip. This album is not only about how to play a musical instrument, but it's How music should be made, because most of time what we hear around us is Shit. I really love How They elevate the djent to another level... fucking great album!!

TesseracT - Altered State
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1. Of Matter – Proxy
2. Of Matter – Retrospect
3. Of Matter – Resist
4. Of Mind – Nocturne
5. Of Mind – Exile
6. Of Reality – Eclipse
7. Of Reality – Palingenisis
8. Of Reality – Calabi-Yau
9. Of Energy – Singularity
10. Of Energy – Embers

Buy It!


Waiting (waiting)
Waning (waning)
Hoping forever

No! I tried to settle bets with my own soul
Bless my lips for the first time before you don't
Gripping to the last touch of your hand I grow to loathe
Hope that you remember just how far I'll go
I'll spend the rest of my life wishing I'm enough


sábado, 6 de julho de 2013

The Third Ending New Album

I'm looking forward for that... after so many years without any new release, They're about to release a fresh new album, but before They set up everything They were releasing a new song every month at least, and these songs are pretty tight, catchy, with some unforgettable progressive landscapes, and certainly that will be the best album of their career when it comes out!

The Third Ending


I really love these previews but Sunsets & Silhouettes is something magical.

sexta-feira, 5 de julho de 2013


The Third Ending is a very good band that is not so famous yet, but there is not something missing to them when compared to those who are at the progressive top, a band that I heard a lot in 2007 and when I was digging through my files I found this album which is essential for who likes progressive music, besides these guys rock live!

The Third Ending
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2.Back Home
3.Tungsten Blues
4.Can You Hear Me
6.Digital Sunrise
7.Cold Light Of Day
9.Part V
10.Coming Around

sábado, 15 de junho de 2013


three years ago I didn't know very much about these guys, Time to be King was the first album I heard them and since that album I really found these guys awesome, besides that time the great Jorn Lande was their vocalist, but speaking about the new album (without Jorn), it's really great How they found a vocalist (Rick Altzi) who is as amazing as Jorn, beyond the new album is fucking killer amazing, it's really a Novum Initium for them...

Materplan - Novum Initium

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01. Per Aspera Ad Astra
02. The Game
03. Keep Your Dream Alive
04. Black Night Of Magic
05. Betrayal
06. No Escape
07. Pray On My Soul
08. Earth Is Going Down
09. Return From Avalon
10. Through Your Eyes
11. Novum Initium
12. 1492
13. Fear The Silence

Buy it!

fucking powerful album!

Ars Musica

Another great release.. I'm really glad that I just know these guys. The new Dark Moor's album is great not just because They are great musicians, but They were able to create an album with too many great nuances, since the symphonic pieces that are simply amazing, sometimes building a bridge between the metal - pop - symphonic...

Dark Moor - Ars Musica

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01. Ars Musica
02. First Lance of Spain
03. This is my Way
04. The Road Again
05. Together as Ever
06. The City of Peace
07. Gara & Jonay
08. Living in a Nightmare
09. El ultimo rey
10. Saint James’ Way
11. Asturias

Buy It!

besides it's very moving, one of the best symphonic metal albums to date for sure!

domingo, 19 de maio de 2013

Andy James

I think it's been awhile since last time I get psyched with some guitar player, but last week I knew a guitarrist that is really remarkable, and I don't even know why He's not among great names as Vai, Satriani or Petrucci, because He really got tunes more interesting than those names...

Andy James - Andy James

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01. Legion
02. Angel of Darkness
03. The Storm
04. What Lies Beneath
05. Burn It Down
06. Into the Void
07. Dust in the Wind
08. Separation
09. Gateways
10. Bullet in the Head
11. War March

Buy It!!

I don't remember a guitarist that I've listened to his songs over and over again, but AJ is really that name, this guy is a master of shredding, besides He's really a technical guitar player, awesome!

terça-feira, 14 de maio de 2013

A War You Cannot Win Tour

YeaaAAH!!! and... another band that I really like, but I had never the opportunity to see them, is coming to my land. All That Remains is coming to South America!!

terça-feira, 7 de maio de 2013

Mandroid Echostar

What's a very surprising band... when you think there is nothing to surprise, suddenly You find Mandroid Echostar, Holy Cow! these guys are a mix of progressive metal music +  great instrumental work with virtuosity and some thrash vocals, but the clean vocals are really well done by Claudio Sanchez -NO- btw Michael Ciccia really reminds him..

Mandroid Echostar - Mandroid Echostar EP 

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1. Kingdom and The Crown
2. Lost Luminaries
3. The Precursor
4. Hexaton

u name the price below as always, but remember to support the band!

..probably I've missed something great to write about these guys, anyway they are great!

sábado, 4 de maio de 2013


A band that's not so popular as a few that I've posted on tideal, but for these guys there is no lack of talent. Bleed to Sleep is a metalcore band with too much greatness, since the guitars to the voices, Hell Yeah...

Bleed to Sleep - Relics

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1. The Balance
2. Blood in the Water
3. The Reckoning
4. Relics
5. Hopeless Revival
6. Far from the Truth
7. Phoenix Rising
8. The Divide

u name the price below...

I hope these guys keep doing the exceptional work, fucking awesome!

sexta-feira, 3 de maio de 2013


The new Empyrios album is really something that I'm enjoying, not only because the great Simone Mularoni, but on this album They really added some brands that I love: Djent influences, some trash vocals and we must pay attention to Simone's guitar solos, because they are greater than TGS...

EmpYrios - Zion

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01. Nescience
02. Domino
03. Masters
04. Reverie
05. Unplugged
06. Renovation
07. Wormhole
08. Square One
09. Zion
10. Blackmail
11. Madman

Buy It!

also the highlights are for the melodic solos that are really moving.

quarta-feira, 1 de maio de 2013


I think every album has a song that is remarkable, and Shogun got a few songs that really blow me away...

Trivium - Shogun

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01. Kirisute Gomen
02. Torn between Scylla and Charybdis
03. Down from the Sky
04. Into the mouth of hell we March
05. Throes of Perdition
06. Insurrection
07. The Calamity
08. He who spawned the Furies
09. Of Prometheus and the Crucifix
10. Like Callisto to a star in Heaven
11. Shogun

Buy It!

...i think the entire album is great, but Throes of Perdition is really something fucking awesome, I remember in the Trivium Concert I didn't know the lyrics but I knew that part where You shout: Die... Die... Die!!!

quarta-feira, 24 de abril de 2013


it's one of the greatest Trivium albums; three years ago I could never imagine that I'd like Trivium albums as much as I like today...

Trivium -  Ascendancy

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1. The End Of Everything.
2. Rain.
3. Pull Harder On The Strings Of Your Martyr.
4. Drowned And Torn Asunder.
5. Ascendancy.
6. A Gunshot To The Head Of Trepidation.
7. Like Light To The Flies.
8. Dying In Your Arms.
9. The Deceived.
10. Suffocating Sight.
11. Departure.
12. Declaration.

Buy It!

domingo, 7 de abril de 2013


I think it was the first time that YT  recommended something that was really great, usually I don't pay attention to what YT has to recommend me, but Monuments - Regenerate was something above and beyond what I was expecting. Gnosis has some great djent influences, screaming vocals that are a trademark of this style, I think that like some djent albums, this one gets better and better if you hear it more than once...

Monuments - Gnosis

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01. Admit Defeat
02. Degenerate
03. Doxa
04. The Uncollective
05. Blue Sky Thinking
06. 97% Static
07. Empty Vessels Make the Most Noise
08. Regenerate
09. Denial (feat. Spencer Sotelo of Periphery)

Buy It!

besides this album is really a trip.

segunda-feira, 1 de abril de 2013

Mike Portnoy is Back!!!

OMG, I cannot believe it!!! Mike Portnoy just announced He's coming back to Dream Theater!! Oh.. God.. thanks!! Mike Portnoy says They were in talks for a while but They hadn't made a decision yet, then for now Mike Mangini still continues in DT:
John Petrucci says We could never imagine that the biggest drummers of the world would be playing in DT and I couldn't imagine that I would play with Portnoy again like old times, Petrucci still says we'll keep Mangini for the newer songs and Mike for the older ones, the only Petrucci's retriction was Mike should leave his other bands, as far as I know Mike signed a contract with these terms.

Petrucci statement this tour will be greater, bigger than ever!  stay tuned!

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sábado, 30 de março de 2013


I follow the band since 2008, I've listened to all their albums, then I can not say that I am not a fan because I am, and over these years I must say I haven't heard a band that sounded like them, because They really have their own profile, it's hard we hear some guitar player with the same tune that Simone or a player like Emanuelle, Andrea, Fabio and What Could I say about Mark, that voice!
I think the band never created an album as great as this album is. They are really sounding more mature and even in their songwriting, They added some improvements in each song, and some great influences like we can hear in Remembrance that riff! I don't think there are any bad song in this new album, I really love Overload, Void, Reason, Universe (has really some Symphonic influences), Repay (I think this is one of the most beautiful ballads that I've ever heard), Chaos, the entire album is highly recomended for who likes great music, mainly Power Progressive Metal, fuckiiing awesome!!

DGM - Momentum

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01. Reason – featuring Russel Allen
02. Trust
03. Universe
04. Numb
05. Pages
06. Repay
07. Chaos – featuring Jorn Viggo
08. Remembrance
09. Overload
10. Void
11. Blame

Buy It!

my only complaint, I tried to buy the mp3 on Amazon, but I couldn't buy it because it's only for who lives in US, Hey, guys, C' mon You could put it on Bandcamp along with the artwork.

In Time

I can't say less about this guitar player, Aaron Marshal is like an improved version of JP, it's really interesting How much guitar players are playing in 7 string guitars, and in this album is not different, with some Djent influences and some progressive landscapes, this album is something that I don't even miss any vocalist at all, fucking awesome!

Intervals - In Time

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1 Alchemy
2 Mata-Hari
3 Tapestry
4 Momento
5 Epiphany

u name the price below

Universal Language

I get excited with the variety of the talented musicians that are popping up around the instruMetal scenario, Angel Vivaldi is one of those great musicians that with their remarkable playing are getting to be more interesting that the old fashioned intrumental scenario, great album! 

Angel Vivaldi - Universal Language

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1 A Venutian Spring
2 A Mercurian Summer
3 An Erisian Autumn
4 A Martian Winter

Buy It!

domingo, 10 de março de 2013

English Electric Part Two

English Electric Part 2 just reaffirms how talented Big Big Train are, These guys really set their flag on the progressive lands, it's really a beautiful album that deserves all praise, as Part 1, the sounds, the shapes, the voices, everything is so beautiful on it that really reminds me why living is good...

Big Big Train - English Electric - Part Two

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1 East Coast Racer
2 Swan Hunter
3 Worked Out
4 Leopards
5 Keeper of Ebbeys
6 The Permanent Way
7 Curator of Butterflies

it reminds me of the sunset on a winter day, it reminds me of hope in all these landscapes.
Oh...poetry... love it!

segunda-feira, 4 de março de 2013

Brief Nocturnes and DS

I can not say I was not sceptic about Ted, this change would be really hard, I started to like SB because Nick D'virgilio, and when Nick left the band it was really bad news, but We can never underestimate anyone, sometimes someone else can take an elephant out of a hat, and... We can say that about the new Spock's Beard album, it's really something great, after I've heard the entire album, I couldn't say it was not Spock's Beard, because it is! these guys are greater than ever, even when We heard something that would be like a  "Thoughts" sequel - (Afterthoughts), there is really something new in that, it's really a catchy song, but not only it, I think the entire album got the SB DNA, a "must buy" for sure!

Spock's Beard - Brief Nocturnes and Dreamless Sleep

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Disc One
1. Hiding Out (7:13)
2. I Know Your Secret (7:40)
3. A Treasure Abandoned (8:53)
4. Submerged (4:57)
5. Afterthoughts (6:08)
6. Something Very Strange (8:23)
7. Waiting For Me (12:36)

Disc Two (special edition only) (it comes with the digital version)
1. The Man You're Afraid You Are (7:11)
2. Down A Burning Road (6:51)
3. Wish I Were Here (6:33)
4. Something Very Strange / Sanctified (Remix) (5:09)
5. Postcards From Perdition (4:27)

Band Camp
Buy Stuff 

Fucking awesome!!

sábado, 2 de março de 2013


I am not an expert when the subject is "djent", and I hadn't really paid attention to that, the definition can be seen here, but as I was digging Periphery CD, I tried to go further and in this quest I found this amazing band, Corelia is really something that surprised me since the first song that I've heard from them, the most interesting is that we can notice this, like.. omg.. there is really something magic here, the melody is other highlight of Nostalgia, I could compare their progressive side with the most high level that you've ever heard, it would be like a waterfall meets lava, also it's really one of the most great metalcore albums that I've listening to on my thirties...

Corelia - Nostalgia

Image Des

1. Treetops
2. Glass Faces
3. The Sound of Glaciers Moving
4. Aviation
5. Red Sky Harbor
6. Mute Swan
7. Blood Petals


besides these guys live are like unstoppable engines; what else Could I say about them... just help this band to rise! Buy the album! so more people could be able to watch them around the world, like 
- me -you- us -

domingo, 27 de janeiro de 2013

Here & Beyond

I did not know these guys and probably I wouldn't know them if I hadn't looked for some Pagan's mind songs on YouTube, and once again I notice How funny is the destiny... speaking about their album, it's really something catchy, besides every band mate perform a great job in this album. Here and Beyond is an album that really you couldn't say it comes from India, because it's so well done, and I've never heard about some great bands from India, anyway.. it's a great progressive power metal album with some great enjoyable songs..

Slain - Here & Beyond

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01 Dreamer
02 Soldier
03 Your Majesty
04 Superhero
05 Angel In The Sky
06 Spread Your Wings
07 You don't have to be a Star
08 Judgment Call
09 Prodigal
10 Here and Beyond

Buy it!! for only $ 3,49

domingo, 13 de janeiro de 2013

English Electric

The first post of the year and it couldn't start better.. Well.. as I wrote in my previous post about them, I think a trademark of BBT is the vocalist's voice really reminds Phil Collins(Genesis), but They really got your own style and in this new work it's not different. English Electric is really a perfect album with a perfect symmetry, every instrumental work, string, vocal, every single instrumental part is very well done...

Big Big Train - English Electric  (Part one)

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1. The First Rebreather
2. Uncle Jack
3. Winchester From St Giles' Hill
4. Judas Unrepentant
5. Summoned By Bells
6. Upton Heath
7. A Boy In Darkness
8. Hedgerow

Buy It!!!

beyond the mood is so positive, it's really something done to move, and I couldn't forget to say about the most beautiful song that I've heard this year, the great hymn: Hedgerow, 
pure Poetry.