domingo, 5 de março de 2017


The first song I listened from them was Follow The Signs, that time I was not so familiar with progressive death metal, but I really enjoyed that song. Speaking of The Eternal Reign: I might be wrong, but I think it's really better than their later releases, I mean this album was re-recorded, it was released actually in 2007, the difference it comes with a new song (Glorious Day), anyway it's really a hammer straight to the head,  if ur thinking of something heavier → The Eternal Reign!  

Born Of Osiris - The Eternal Reign

Image Des

01. Rosecrance
02. Empires Erased
03. Open Arms To Damnation
04. Abstract Art
05. The New Reign
06. Brace Legs
07. Bow Down
08. The Takeover
09. Glorious Day 

Buy It!! 

I think the unique issue is as always the records and some bands don't give a shit about some people who lives in third world. They really care that people don't pirate their music but they don't give any good conditions for us to get their albums. I mean this album on Google Play is 42.. wtf! is that fair ? then after all Do you ask why my music is being pirated ? why !?