segunda-feira, 6 de março de 2017


There will be times that You're surely gonna need something darker, but u can't be always covered by that, and it's the why we all need some light, and we got it with Karmakanic, these poetries sung and played by them, Behold these three classic albums of this top prog band!

Karmakanic - Entering The Spectra

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1. The Little Man
2. Entering the Spectra
3. The Spirit Remains the Same
4. Cyberdust From Mars
5. Space Nº.3
6. The Man in the Moon Cries
7. One Whole Half
8. Is This the End ?
9. Cello Suite Nº.1 in G Major
10. Welcome to Paradise

If I die tomorrow, I must live today
If my heart's full of sorrow, I just blow it away
Take love from my soul and sacrifice my name…
But the spirit remains the same

Karmakanic - Wheel of Life

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1. Masterplan Pt. 1    
2. Alex In Paradise    
3. At The Speed Of Light    
4. Do U Tango?    
5. Where The Earth Meets The Sky
6. Hindby                                                                   
7. Wheel Of Life    
8. Masterplan Pt. 2

In my dreams I see the only one
In my dreams I hear it all
I hear angels sing the ancient songs of freedom
And when I wake up
I know where my soul belong

Karmakanic - Who's The Boss In The Factory

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1. Send A Message From The Heart
2. Let In Hollywood
3. Who's The Boss In The Factory                     
4. Two Blocks From The Edge
5. Eternally Part I
6. Eternally Part II 

When the world of colors turns different shades of grey
Send a message from the heart
When there is no justice anywhere to be found
Turn around and face the sun
If you look around you and everyone is blind
Send a message from the heart

Buy It!!!

These are the moments that I wonder why a band like them or even TFK do not get too much popularity, why only SHIT is in evidence while the goodies are being clouded. There's Gotta be something more than what we see out there.

domingo, 5 de março de 2017


The first song I listened from them was Follow The Signs, that time I was not so familiar with progressive death metal, but I really enjoyed that song. Speaking of The Eternal Reign: I might be wrong, but I think it's really better than their later releases, I mean this album was re-recorded, it was released actually in 2007, the difference it comes with a new song (Glorious Day), anyway it's really a hammer straight to the head,  if ur thinking of something heavier → The Eternal Reign!  

Born Of Osiris - The Eternal Reign

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01. Rosecrance
02. Empires Erased
03. Open Arms To Damnation
04. Abstract Art
05. The New Reign
06. Brace Legs
07. Bow Down
08. The Takeover
09. Glorious Day 

Buy It!! 

I think the unique issue is as always the records and some bands don't give a shit about some people who lives in third world. They really care that people don't pirate their music but they don't give any good conditions for us to get their albums. I mean this album on Google Play is 42.. wtf! is that fair ? then after all Do you ask why my music is being pirated ? why !?

quinta-feira, 2 de março de 2017


I think the most surprising about Aathma is the magnificent ability to being heavy, death, melodic, technical, atmospheric and yet it features Paul Masvidal in two songs, is there something more prog than that ? I don't think so, mighty album!

Persefone - Aathma 

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1. An Infinitesimal Spark    
2. One of Many…        
3. Prison Skin    
4. Spirals Within Thy Being    
5. Cosmic Walkers    
6. No Faced Mindless    
7. Living Waves   
8. Vacuum    
9. Stillness is Timeless   
10. Aathma: Part I. Universal Oneness   
11. Aathma: Part II. Spiritual Bliss   
12. Aathma: Part III. One With The Light    
13. Aathma: Part IV. Many Of One 

I will break free
For this false reality
I will!
Leave the anger
Open your heart
Bloom outside this prison skin.