domingo, 29 de dezembro de 2013


I had never paid attention for the previous Samuel Arkan projects, but this one, at the first listening I really love it. He managed to gather many great names of prog power metal scene: Tom Englund (Evergrey), Mike Lepond (Symphony X). Leo Margarit (Pain of Salvation), Simone Mularoni (DGM), Ida Haukland (Triosphere), Mathi Marinelli, Tezzi Persson, and They created an epic album, fucking great!

Epysod3 - Fantasmagori

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01. File - 4180-2 
02. The Arch 
03. Morning Rose 
04. Venom 
05. The Black Parade 
06. T.H.O.R.N.S. 
07. Garden Of Exile 
08. Raven’s Curse 
09. Living Fortress 
10. Fantasmagoria 
11. The Inheritance 
12. Now And Forever 
13. Forgotten Symphony 
14. Unreal 

Buy It!

Samuel Arkan statement

The quite unusual thing is that all these guests came to the Noise Factory studio (Belgium) to track down their parts. Nobody recorded his/her parts at home, like with some many other projects.
“I wanted the whole thing to get a real “band” feeling”, Arkan says. “Therefore having all vocalists and musicians here was very important to me. We got to know each other better and better while spending time together. The new material sounds very fresh, dark, heavy, modern and "true" with "straight in the face" guitar riffs, intense voices and melodies, massive work on progressive atmospheres and orchestral parts. All the artists who participated in this album gave their soul to it, gave their best, they travelled deeper into sensitivity and sincerity. That's probably the best words which define this next album... sincerity & spontaneity! This album comes from the heart of each musician and vocalist who worked on it, and you can feel it when you listen to this new EPYSODE album.”

sábado, 21 de dezembro de 2013

Best of 2013

Here I stand at the end of the year again...

Behold the best of the year in the view of this impermanent being...

Dream Theater -  Dream Theater: I think I don't need to state too much about DT, mainly because the new album speaks for itself. They are back! although for many they had never been absent..

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TesseracT - Altered State: here is an album that is clearly what music was supposed to be, with great Djent work, moving songs, vocals. It's not only about music but it's also to take u to another state of mind, to evolve as human being.
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Mandroid Echostar - CITADELS: this band really surprise me this year, since of their EP to their Citadels, it's also the way that music should be made. Hell Yeah!

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Subsignal - Paraíso: The new Subsignal album is really a great progressive work, with great lyrics, vibe, without songs that are too long, but it really works.

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Masterplan: I think as the album title says, it's really a new beginning for these guys, probably the best prog power album of the year.

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DGM: Their new album is really awesome and "Reason" influenced me a lot this year.

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The Flower Kings -  Desolation Rose: One more year and.. They are really kicking asses again. The new album, in my opinion, is  really one of the best of their career. I think they are more inspired than ever.

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Big Big Train - Suite, English Electric Part I, Part II, Make Some Noise: it's not at random They win Progressive Music Awards 2013, They are great!

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Spock's Beard - Brief Nocturnes and Dreamless Sleep: and when everyone (me) thought it wouldn't work, They made it. I cannot say I don't miss Nick, but They are really sounding like SB. They really pulled an elephant out of the hat, great work guys!

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I'd like to thank God for being the windmaker, also to thank my friends for all advices and support, everyone who stopped by, my subscribers, everyone who belongs to this circle of hope, boldness and progness, thanks! 

Meaningful phrases of 2013:

When the ship starts to sink, don't pray. Jump!

Beware the 3 obstacles to jumping ship: 

* fear of regret ( that the loser will turn out to be a winner when you've bailed-out ) 
* Unwillingness to abandon part of an investment ( become willing to abandon ) 
* Difficulty of admitting you made a mistake.

"We are what we do, but we are mostly what we do to change what we are ..."

"The answers always clear
 the spaces in between
 we're choosing now to change
 we see the need to leave
 And we openly know where we belong
 Justice will prevail as the regimes fall " 

"Take this doubt and fear to your grave

   This life of stone
    The hand of god I'm too tempted to bribe
        I'm getting old and growing paralyzed
        We're all alone
   Until we let our minds take to the skies
 Our blood runs cold yet we remain alive "

segunda-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2013

Fantastic 4

I was shaking when I got this news, that's quite unbelievable, but that's truth, Transatlantic is Coming to South America!!! (Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Santiago) OMG.. thanks God! After so many successful tours around world some son of bitch have balls to bring them here. 

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They just released the video "Shine" in support for their upcoming album "Kaleidoscope".

Tuesday you're okay
Can't you feel there's something there
waiting like silent prayer
cause this all fading away
and there's nothing we can do
little we can hold onto
but just let our lonely light come thru

and so we shine while this moment slips away from us
shine while skies are turning grey
and so we shine like there's nothing they can take from us
we want no one left behind when we shine shine shine

spotlights on you
can't you feel there's something more
breaking just beyond the door
if the light of the world lives in you
then no matter where you go
you can let the darkness know
there's a little light left in your soul